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For the first time, a student film made by Baltic Film and Media School graduate German Golub "My Dear Corpses" has won the toughest competition for film schools – the Student Academy Awards. This means that the film is eligible to run for the "big" Oscars. Whether the film...
Tervitused Seattlest, The Seattle Estonian Society and West Coast Estonian Days (LEP) organizing committee have a few announcements that we would like to share. First, in light of the current COVID-19 crisis, Seattle LEP 2021 will be postponed. But do not worry, Seattle will be hosting the 35th LEP...
Estonian filmmakers Hõbe Ilus and Mihkel Oksmann currently based in New York Jaanika Peerna, Cultural Affairs Coordinator at the Estonian Consulate General in New York interviews Hõbe Ilus and Mihkel Oksmann, currently based in New York. Jaanika Peerna: What are you up to? Mihkel Oksmann: I am in...
Jaanika Peerna, Cultural Affairs Coordinator at the Estonian Consulate General in New York interviews designer Anni Jürgenson: Jaanika Peerna: What are you up to? Anni Jürgenson: I design jewelry in Brooklyn for the Ana Luisa brand. JP: How has your life and daily routine changed due to the...
Performers L to R: Erik J. Christensen, Kadri Vihandi, Alo Vihandi, Mari Simm and Alo Siiak. Photo courtesy of Tony Spinosa On Friday, November 8, 2019, the Millenium Stage of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts featured a performance by Märt Agu and his Estonian Dance...
Henrik Visnapuu ja ta muusa Ing Luunjas. Autor/allikas: Eesti Kirjandusmuuseum 2. jaanuaril oli Henrik Visnapuu 130. sünniaastapäev. Sel puhul asetati küünlad Metsakalmistule ning peeti luuleõhtu Tallinna Kirjanike maja musta laega saalis. 2. jaanuaril kell 16 lugesid ja laulsid kirjanike majas Visnapuu ja oma luulet eesti poeedid-trubaduurid: Maarja-Liis Mölder, Wimberg,...
Ameerika filmiakadeemia valis Tanel Toomi mängufilmi „Tõde ja õigus“ nende 10 filmi hulka, mis jätkavad kandideerimist parima rahvusvahelise filmi kategoorias. Filme esitas Oscarile 91 riiki. Lisaks A. H. Tammsaare samanimelisel teosel baseeruvale mängufilmile „Tõde ja õigus“ jõudsid kümnekohalisse short-list’i veel: Tšehhi film “The Painted Bird”, Prantsusmaa film “Les Misérables”, Ungari...
Vaba Eesti Sõna (VES), a 'Free Estonian Word,' is an Estonian expatriate bi-weekly newspaper with a national readership, founded in 1949 and published in New York City by The Nordic Press Estonian-American Publishers, Inc.
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