ERKÜ Valimiste Peakomitee avaldab lõpliku XXIII Esinduskogu kandidaatide nimekirja koos tutvustustega. Kandidaadid võisid kirjutada eesti, inglise või mõlemas keeles. ERKÜ kodukorra alusel saab nimekirjast Esinduskogusse valitud 29 kandidaati 32st.
Valimissedelid koos valimiste juhtnööride ja kandidaatide informatsiooniga saadetakse lihtposti teel kõigile, kelle nimed on ERKÜ andmebaasis. Tagastamise postitempli viimane kuupäev on 10. september 2022. Sel aastal saab esimest korda osaleda ERKÜ valimistel interneti vahendusel, selleks tuleb registreeruda veebilehel
Valimissedeleid ja lisainfot saab ERKÜ tegevjuhilt Leelo Linaskilt: [email protected] või 978-397-0020.
Eesti Rahvuskomitee Ühendriikides (ERKÜ) on üleriigiliselt valitud Ameerika eestlaste organisatsioon. Nõukogu koosneb maksimaalselt 50 liikmest (praegu 28), kes töötavad vabatahtlikkuse alusel ja kes valitakse ameerika eestlaste poolt iga nelja aasta järel.
ERKÜ säilitab ja toetab eesti keelt ja pärimust, Ameerika eestlaste kultuurilist tegevust ning Ühendriikides asuvaid eesti organisatsioone. Samuti tutvustab ERKÜ Eestit ameeriklastele. ERKÜ teeb koostööd teiste sarnaselt mõtlevate organisatsioonidega nagu Ühendatud Balti Ameerika Komitee (JBANC) ja Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopa Koalitsioon (CEEC). ERKÜ on aktiivne ka Ülemaailmses Eesti Kesknõukogus (ÜEKN) ning esindab Ameerika eestlasi E.V. Üleilmses Eesti Koostöökomisjonis.
ERKÜ on mittetulundusühing 501(c)3, mis põhineb ameerika eestlaste maksuvabadel annetustel. Annetused toetavad Ameerika eestlaste organisatsioone, erinevaid tegevusi ja projekte ja aitavad edendada ERKÜ sihte ja missiooni, näiteks:
• ERKÜ andis välja Ameerika eestlaste ajaloo raamatu Estonians in America 1945-1995
• toetas dokumentaalfilmi Laulev Revolutsioon ja filmi Üheshingamine, mis jutustab Eesti laulupidude ajaloost; filmi Risttuules küüditamisest Eestis; filmi Geislingeni DP-laagrist ja varsti valmivat filmi Seabrookist.
• toetab USAs ainsat ilmuvat eesti nädalalehte Vaba Eesti Sõna (; toetab internetiväljaannet Estonian World
• toetab Eesti Arhiivi USAs
• Long Island’i eesti suvelaagrit
• Ameerika eesti gaide ja skaute ja nendele loodud laagriala
• kultuuriüritusi, festivale, kokkutulekuid, nt ESTO, KLENK, Lääneranniku Eesti Päevad ja muud
• Ameerika publikule suunatud dokumentaalsarja “This is America and The World: The Estonia Episodes”
• Eestit tutvustavat muusikali Singing Revolution: The Musical esilavastusi Los Angeles 2022
• Eesti Majade ja kultuuriseltside tegevust
• USA Eesti noorte tegevust
Rohkem infot toetuste ja tegevuste kohta:
* praegune Esinduskogu liige

Atlanta, GA 1943
Born in Estonia, Kristi is a member of the 1944 “Suurpõgenemine/Paadipõgenik” generation. Raised in Sweden and Canada, she graduated from U. of Toronto (B.A., History, 1966), and is a member of Korporatsioon Amicitia.
She was active in the Toronto Estonian community: Estonian School, Folk Dance (student leader), Gymnastics, Girl Guide Troop leader, Church involvement, Estonian sorority; awarded the Canadian High School Kerr Trophy for Leadership, 1962. She speaks Estonian, German and English.
Kristi married Aadu J. Allpere in 1967. They have lived in the U.S., Germany, and Austria before moving to the state of Georgia. They have two sons, daughters-in-law, and four grandchildren, and reside in Atlanta. Kristi had a professional career in Personnel and Public Relations (Canada and USA, 1967-1977), and has since made a “career” of volunteer and leadership positions, including in international women’s clubs and organizations (e.g. President of American Women’s Association-Vienna, International School Board), and volunteering with the International Club and Women’s Club of Atlanta. Kristi has volunteered for the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Patron Experience and Retention Committee (Programs, Recruitment and Fundraising), serving as Chairwoman / Programs Chair (2015-2020). She is very involved with husband Aadu’s community responsibilities as Estonian Honorary Consul in Atlanta as well as with his Rotary Club responsibilities.
Passionate about giving back to the Estonian and American communities, Kristi enjoys helping people and wants to “try and make a difference.” A good communicator and engaging speaker, she loves to be a creative thinker. My wish is to tell the incredible Estonian story and support the ERKÜ mission of strengthening the meaningful role of our diaspora in the USA. Being on the Council and EANC Board is my small way of trying to ensure that Estonia stands on the world platform and remains secure. Being on the ERKÜ Board for 8 years has been an honor, and I wish to continue this important work at this complicated, frightening time. My wish and objective is to continue speaking up and to help the younger generation in our communities stay involved and proud of their heritage.
Kristi’s involvement with Estonian causes is wide-ranging: She advised/assisted transient émigré Estonians from the Estonian SSR (1988-1991) with housing, food, financial support and “sponsor-ships” for emigrating to North America, etc. Kristi volunteered at the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta, where she provided support for the Estonian Olympic Team and set up lectures about Estonian culture and history in local schools. For many years she negotiated Estonian participation at the Atlanta Scandinavian Festival. She has organized countless receptions to introduce Estonian talent to the Atlanta music community. She hosted a Vanemuise Theater performance in Atlanta, and sponsored the film “Maestro” (about Paavo Järvi) at the Atlanta Symphony Patron event. Kristi was a supporter of the Washington, DC Arvo Pärt concert, and is an avid supporter of youth. She helped found the Atlanta Estonian Cultural Society (AEKS) and a small Estonian School (Eesti Kool), of which she served as president (retired 2020).
Kristi´s latest project in Atlanta is helping with the “Atlanta EU Film Festival,” which began in 2022.
She has been a member of the ERKÜ / EANC President’s Circle for 8 years (membership donation of $1000 plus). In 2018 she was awarded the ”Order of the White Cross IV (Valgerist IV klass)” by Estonian President Kersti Kalju-laid.
An elected ERKÜ (EANC) member since 2014, Kristi has been active in all annual and semiannual meetings, as well as council events. As an active board member, she participates in monthly conference calls and responds ASAP to requests for advice and assistance. Kristi is active in various EANC committees: Grants Committee Chair; Estonian Books to Stanford University Project Committee; Book and Film reviews for the EANC Teataja newsletter; Annual Mee-ting Workgroup; ERKÜ-EANC 70th Anniversary Committee 2022; JBANC Advocacy Days; ERKÜ 2019 Awards Gala Committee; ERKÜ´s Virtual Vabariigi Aasta-päev Committee & Master of Ceremonies 2020; Social Hostess for the “Virtual Cocktail Hour.” Chairman of the EANC XXIII Council Candidate Recruitment Committee.
Kristi Allpere is currently an American delegate to the Estonian World Council (ÜEKN) and has been active on the 1944 Suurpõgenemine sub-committee, as a means of creating awareness of Estonia´s history and resilience.

Burlington, MA 1942
I was born in Tallinn but grew up in Canada. My education (Clinical Nutrition) includes a BSc – McGill, MS – Boston University, MS, PhD (Food Policy) at Tufts University.
My work in Estonia (1992-2002) includes Editor, UNICEF Situation Analysis of Children and Families; and Principal Investigator, Child Health and Nutrition Survey (EVTTU) (1996, 2002) in conjunction with TalTech. I am the Estonian Honorary Consul for Massachusetts and Rhode Island, member of the Boston Estonian Society and am in active contact with life in Estonia as I spend summers at our family talu in Viljandimaa.
ERKÜ should be applauded for its work in providing support for so many Estonian endeavors here in the US. We recently experienced this during our Boston Baltic Film Festival: ERKÜ support was critical to our success. Our US population is relatively small and scattered, with limited resources, and Estonian events are significant as they serve a two-fold purpose. As we gather to enjoy our community, we also simultaneously promote Estonia, its uniqueness, its history and its culture. With ERKÜ support we market ourselves, and this promotion is invaluable to ensure our relevance and visibility when political decisions are made by Congress. I have always felt a personal obligation to promote our value as a people and a nation, and as a member of ERKÜ more opportunities would be available to me for this.

Bexley, OH 1969
Olen sündinud Tallinnas. Õppisin Tartu ülikoolis eesti keelt ja kirjandust, kaitsesin sealsamas 2002. aastal doktoritöö eesti kirjandusest.
Alates 2000. aastast olen oma elu ja tööd jaganud USA ja Eesti vahel, õpetan Ohio Riigiülikoolis (Ohio State University’s) erinevaid kirjanduskursusi, mille põhifookuses on Ida-Euroopa kirjandus ja kultuur, sealhulgas ka eesti, läti ja leedu kirjandus. Eestis olen töötanud Tartu ülikoolis, Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumis ja Underi ja Tuglase Kirjanduskeskuses, hetkel olen ka Tallinna Ülikooli vanemteadur. Olen kirjutanud mitmeid teaduslikke uurimusi, avaldanud ka lasteraamatuid ja kaks romaani. Mu värskeim raamat on romaan „Tere, Aleksander“ (2021). Mul on kolm last.
Mu suurim panus eestlusele on ehk see, et peamiselt USAs üles kasvades on mu kolm last õppinud Eestit hoidma ja armastama. Olen eesti keeles kirjutanud mitmeid raamatuid – loodan, et need on andnud oma panuse eesti kultuuri. Olen USA üliõpilastele pidevalt tutvustanud Eestit, samuti olen Eesti üliõpilastega jaganud USAs kogutud teadmisi. Esinduskogus huvitaks mind töö kultuurivallas ja keskkonnateemadel, samuti kodu- ja väliseestlaste ühised ettevõtmised.

Novato, CA 1953
Born in Germany in 1953 to Estonian parents. Grew up in Los Angeles, attending Estonian school, folkdance, scouts, and later Metsaülikool. Graduated from UC Santa Barbara in 1976 with a BA in Urban Studies. In the same year, married Don Bartling, and moved to the San Francisco Bay area, where they have been living since. They have three grown children.
Retired from a 31-year career with the National Park Service in 2009, which included serving as Deputy Superintendent of a large urban national park, and leadership roles in the transitioning of former Army Iands into national parklands.
Being part of Estonian organizations has brought deeper meaning and purpose to my life. I served on the LEP-ESTO 2013 Board, organizing several events and helping to develop the overall conference program. Since 2013, I have served as president of the Estonian Society of San Francisco and Northern California, where I helped start an adult Estonian language “Keelering” and choir. Our SF Society’s leadership group today keeps our “Eesti by the Bay” community growing with a newsletter, regular activities, and program of cultural events. We see our role as welcoming and connecting Estonians, and keeping Estonian culture alive in the SF Bay Area.
I also serve on the Estonian League of the West Coast (EOLL) Heritage Board, and on Vaba Eesti Sõna’s kolleegium (newspaper “Free Estonian Word” Advisory Board). I have served on the Council since 2014, because I believe in EANC’s mission and its unique and important role as an inclusive national organization.
I have attended every annual meeting since being elected to the Council in 20l4, and have attended JBANC’s 2015 and 2017 conferences. I have also participated in Baltic Advocacy activities in 20l7, 2018, and this year, 2022, when it has been so important for the U.S. Congress to hear Estonian American concerns regarding Ukraine and Baltic security.
I have been an EANC Board member since joining the Council in 2014; since 2018 I have served as Vice President. Among the committees I have served on are: ~ Strategy committee (since 2014), updating EANC’s strategic plan and improving its website; ~ Estonian Books disposition committee (2016/2017);
~ EANC awards gala committee (2016), bringing the event to the West Coast for the first time;
~ EV103 Virtual Program committee 2021 to celebrate Vabariigi aastapäev despite pandemic conditions;
~ Virtual Fundraising Auction ESTO|Raiser committee (2021) raising money for Estonian houses and facilities;
~ EANC Visnapuu Award for Arts and Letters committee (2021-2022) to re-establish the award.

Rockville, MD 1974
Olen sündinud Eestis Tallinna lähedal Kuusalu alevikus. Peale keskkooli lõpetamist õppisin Tartu Maaülikooli Metsatööstuse erialal. 2002 osalesin täienduskoolitusel Inglismaal. Töötasin erinevates ettevõtetes nii hotelli, reklaami ja raamatupidamise alal ning omasin seal ka oma firmat, mis pakkus koristusteenuseid eeskätt sõjaväele. Minu eluloost on juba päris palju ja põhjalikult kirjutatud mitmetes väljaannetes nagu Postimees, Yahoo Finance, Vaba Eesti Sõna, Bloomberg jne.
Asutasin ning oman ettevõtet USAs Calamus Enterprises LLC, veebilink
Hetkel tegutseb firma aktiivselt Philadelphias, Marylandis, Washington DCs, Virginias, North Carolinas ja Floridas. Olen kohtunud paljude eestlastega nii UKs kui ka USAs ja leian, et suudaksime palju rohkem ära teha kohalike rahvuskaaslaste ringis.
Rohnert Park, CA 1979
Marit grew up in Viljandi, Estonia. In 2001 she graduated from Estonian Business School with a BA in international business Administration.
Having spent half of her life in Estonia, Marit is passionately committed to promoting Estonia and its rich culture through multiple organizations and committees in the U.S. Acting as an unofficial “ambassador” to her home country comes naturally.
Professionally, Marit has worked with companies like Booz & Co., Pricewaterhouse-Coopers LLP, Levi Strauss and Co., and currently leads Cybersecurity Programs for Global Enterprises.

In her spare time, she likes to travel and spend quality time with her two sons, both born during the LEP-ESTO 2013 (SF) planning stage.
I would like to continue to represent the West Coast Estonians by participating in the upcoming EANC elections. My past and current involvement in Estonian activities: Elected Member of the Estonian American National Council (2018 – 2022)
– Participated in all annual/ semi-annual meetings since elected
– Event Planning Committee
– EANC Estonian Independence Day EV103
‣ Creation of promotional materials, branding of the first-ever EANC live broadcast
– Fundraiser Planning Committee – ESTO|Raiser 2021 Fundraiser and Cultural Showcase
‣ Generated ideas for the fundraising program
‣ Coined the name ESTO|Raiser
‣ Responsible for marketing plan creation and execution that helped raise nearly 15K in support of Estonian Houses
‣ Online Auction Venue set-up & management, including data gathering, auction items listing Elected Member of Estonian American National Council (2014 – 2018)
– Participated in all annual meetings since elected
– 2016 Annual Meeting in SF planning committee member ‣ Planned a successful Benefit Gala Dinner event and Council’s public seminars
‣ Generated ideas for fundraising options, panel discussions and the program in general
‣ Negotiated contracts for logistics
‣ Marketing implementation from strategy to execution
‣ Suggested/selected the keynote speaker, performers and other key partners Estonian World Council (2017– 2018)
– Coordinated history book project with 12 member countries
– Assisted with ongoing initiatives as needed
– Managed social media activities and marketing efforts
– Assisted with external communication (e.g. ghost-writing press releases) Vice President of Estonian Worldwide Festival
– LEP-ESTO 2013 (2010 – 2013)
– Organized and oversaw all activities for the opening day of a four-day festival, including Estonian Expo, Opening Gala and Reception for 1000 guests, Business Conference
– Handled accommodations, government grants, social media, marketing, 300k budget, and negotiated contracts
– Vice President of San Francisco Estonian Society (2009 – Present)
– Planned and organized events, managed budgets, planned marketing strategy.

Bartlett, IL 1961
Aarne sündis ja kasvas Chicagos. Tal on bakalaureusekraad keemias UChi-cagost ja äri- ja juhtimis teaduse magistrikraad (MBA) rahanduses UChicago Booth’i ärikoolist. Praegu töötab ta ettevõtete rahanduses ning on teinud pika karjääri juhtimisnõustamise alal
PricewaterhouseCoopersi, IBM-i ja oma ettevõttes. Ta on olnud Chicago Eesti Maja nõukogu liige alates märtsist 1986. Selle aja jooksul on ta olnud sek-retär, laekur, asepresident ja praegu on ta president. Aarne on olnud Chicago Eesti Majas väga aktiivne: lapsepõlves on ta lõpetanud Chicago Eesti Kooli, tantsis rahvatantsutrupis „Mustjalg“, mänginud paljudes näidendeis, köögis küpsetanud ja korraldanud kümneid üritusi Eesti Majas.
Aarne on Chicago Eesti Majas tegutsemise kaudu omal nahal kogenud muutuvat eesti kogukonda Ameerikas. Esimese põlvkonna eesti-ameeriklasena on ta näinud, kuidas kogukonna vajadused on muutnud Eesti Majad pagulaste kogunemispaigast kultuurikeskuseks, mis peab konkureerima mitmekultuurilise kaasaegse pere ajapiirangutega: noorte sporditrennide, kooli- ja internetiga. Ta mõistab, et internet ja sotsiaalmeedia on vähendanud vahemaad USA Eesti Majade ja seltside vahel ning me peame tegema tihedamat koostööd, et oma publikule turundada ja sisu pakkuda.
Aarne töötas isiklikult koos USA kongresmeni Brad Schneideriga, et saada ta selle aasta alguses astuma “House Baltic Caucus” liikmeks.
Grand Forks, ND 1982

Raised in Oregon by an Estonian mother and Scandinavian father, Leif received his bachelor’s degree in European Studies from Oregon State University. After briefly studying at the University of Tartu, Leif subsequently earned a master’s degree from the University of British Columbia, where his work focused on Estonian security and citizenship policies. Following in his mother’s footsteps, he has since found a fulfilling career in libraries and holds a Master of Library Science degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Now residing in North Dakota, he enjoys the great outdoors and watching his little nephews grow up in the wind and snow of the northern plains.
As a three-term Council member, I’ve had the privilege of serving the Estonian-American community for the past 12 years. I’m renewing my candidacy for the Council because I believe that my professional background and personal experience can help further the organization’s commitment to serve all Estonian-Americans, regardless of where they reside. Additionally, as an American-born Estonian, I believe my presence on the Council provides our organization with a unifying intergenerational cohesion. Estonian-related issues have always been a passion of mine, so it would truly be an honor to be re-elected to the Council.
My involvement at EANC has included but is not limited to most annual meetings 2010-2021,
Constitution and Bylaws Committee: Committee Chair (2021-present), Member (2016-2020).
Together with my partner in crime, Gilda Karu, I help coordinate changes to the EANC’s Constitution and Bylaws,
E-Voting Ad Hoc Committee,
Committee Chair (2021-2022).
Our committee carried out the Council’s primary investigation into incorporating and implementing e-voting in the 2022 election.
Estonian Books Project, 2016-2017
With assistance from other Council members and Dr. Liisi Esse, I helped coordinate the logistics of shipping underutilized and unwanted Estonian language books to Stanford University Libraries where they are either added to the collection or distributed to other libraries.

Marietta, GA 1981
I was born in Estonia, near Põltsamaa. I came to the United States as a nanny through “Au Pair in America” in January 2001. I graduated from Georgia State University with a Bachelor’s Degree, Business Administration, concentration in Accounting. I worked in public accounting for five years and then switched over to the private manufacturing sector. My current role is in commercial compliance, focusing on anti-corruption, data privacy, intellectual property, and corporate investigations. I am a Certified Compliance and Ethics Professional (CCEP) and Certified Forensic Interviewer (CFI). I am married to a war refugee from Kosovo, and we have two kids.
As a youth back in Estonia, I remember listening to a radio station from Seattle, Washington headed up by Estonians to deliver world news. It was forbidden to listen to such stations and I was cautioned by my parents to not talk about it outside of home. I was too young to understand topics, but having lived in the U.S. for 21 years now, I understand the importance of advocating for Estonia and the Baltic States, from wherever one lives in America. Being Estonian and keeping Estonian traditions alive is near and dear to my heart. I am one of the founding members of the Atlanta Estonian Cultural Society and have been on the board since 2014.
Arlington Heights, IL 1951

Pärit Lakewoodist, oli Gilda Karu aktiivne eesti koolis, gaidides, rahvatantsus ja muudes eesti tegevustes. Ta on Chicago Eesti Maja ja Lakewoodi Eesti Seltsi liige. Ta on rohkem kui 30 aastat olnud ERKÜ esinduskogu liige ja olnud varem juhatuses. Gilda on Eesti Vabariigi Valgetähe V klassi teenetemärgi omanik kui eestluse hoidja Ameerika Ühendriikides. Vassar College’i A.B. kraad poliitilistes teadustes ja Chicago-Kent College of Law’st J.D. Akadeemiliselt kuulub ta korp! Indlasse. Elukutselt advokaat, töötas Gilda Ameerika valitsuse heaks ligi 35 aastat. 2013. a. oktoobrist saadik on ta diakonõpetaja ja teenib E.E.L.K. Chicago Esimest kogudust. Peale Eestiga seotud tegevuse on Gilda aktiivne Ameerika ühiskonnas. Gilda elab Chicago äärelinnas abikaasa Fred Foy’ga.
I want to continue working on behalf of Estonia and Estonian Americans. I am a longtime member of EANC and bring institutional history and experience in advocacy, organizing, and working on projects. I have been active in Estonian American activities for most of my life including but not limited to eesti kool, pühapaevakool, gaidid, rahvatants, Estonian sorority Korp! Indla, Estonian festivals, and more. I am currently deacon pastor of the E.E.L.K. Chicago Esimene Kogudus. I was the proofreader for the history book Estonians in America. I have publicized Estonian events in the American media. I have given speeches and represented EANC at numerous events. I was active in promoting the end of Soviet occupation of Estonia and advocating for Estonia’s membership in NATO and the European Union.
To the best of my recollection, I have attended all 8 meetings in the past 8 years. If I missed one it was probably because it conflicted with a church service. I rescheduled at least one church service to attend the EANC meeting.
I spent many years serving on the EANC board. I have been a delegate to the Estonian World Council for the last 4 years. I am currently on the By-laws Committee and helped explore electronic voting. I was proofreader for the history book “Estonians in America.” I organized a rahvuskongress at the West Coast Estonian Days in Portland. Back in the late 1970s, I was on the committee that developed the first English-language color brochure about Estonia and Soviet occupation. I am currently on the committee compiling the history book that looks at EANC’s role during the past 70 years.
Madison, SD 1949

Olen Eesti kirjandusteadlane, PhD, kirjanik, ajakirjanik, tõlkija. Olen sündinud Viljandis, saanud kõrghariduse Tartu Ülikoolis ja doktorikraadi Soomes, Turu Ülikoolis. Olen töötanud Eestis, Soomes ja USAs ajakirjanikuna nii ajalehe, ajakirja kui ka Raadio Vaba Euroopa toimetuses (Soome kirjasaatjana). Olen avaldanud üle 30 raamatu – artikli- ja esseekogud, poliitiline ajalugu (Eesti Kongress, 40 kirja lugu), luuletused, kirjanikumonograafiad, tõlked, kogumikud. Peateoseks peetakse mu mahukat monograafiat luuletaja Marie Underi elust ja loomingust, mis on ilmunud Eestis kahes trükis, tõlgitud vene keelde ning ilmub peatselt inglise keeles. Elan USAs viimased 17 aastat koos ameeriklasest abikaasa, majandusprofessor Jack Waltersiga. Täiskasvanud poeg Sören ja pojapoeg Martin elavad Eestis.
ERKÜ esinduskokku kandideerin esiteks selleks, et aidata kaasa eesti keele ja kultuuri hoidmisele ning arendamisele USAs; teiseks, et teha tõhusat poliitilist tööd Balti riikide julgeoleku tagamiseks USA avalikus arvamuses ja poliitilistes ringkondades.
Poliitilist tööd alustasin 1960. aastatel teismelise kooliõpilasena Viljandis, kui algatasime allkirjade kogumise, et muuta nõukogude võimu pandud ajalehe nime „Tee Kommunismile“ tagasi ajalooliseks ajaleheks „Sakala“. Läksin Tartu Ülikooli õppima eesti filoloogiat selleks, et uurida ja arendada eesti keelt ja kirjandust. 1980. aastal organiseerisime koos sõpradega kurikuulsa „40 kirja“ eesti keele õiguste kaitseks ägeneva venestamispoliitika vastu. Meid karistati selle eest, mindki lasti töölt lahti, olin ligi 7 aastat töötu teisitimõtleja, kellelt ei avaldatud ridagi. Hakkasin kirjutama raamatuid eesti kirjandusest ja kultuurist, kuid sain need avaldada alles Eesti taasvabanemise eel. Töötasin Eesti Kongressi välistoimkonnas Eesti vabanemise nimel. Soomes elades asutasime Turus Eesti keskuse, pidasin üle Soome loenguid Eesti poliitikast ja kultuurist. USAs elades olen kirjutanud aastaid kolumne väliseesti lehtedele kuues riigis.
ERKÜ esinduskogu liige 2019-2022, mille käigus olin
1. ERKÜ juhatuse liige 2019-2022
2. Üleilmse Eesti Kesknõukogu juhatuse liige ERKÜ esindajana 2019-2022
3. MTÜ Globaalsed Eestlased, üks kahest ERKÜ esindajast 2020-2022,
4. Eesti Vabariigi valitsuskomisjonis üleilmse eestluse programmi loomiseks, üks kahest ERKÜ esindajast 2019-2021
5. ERKÜ Visnapuu nimelise kultuuriauhinna toimkonna juht, auhinna taastaja, zürii liige 2020-2022,
6. ERKÜ Ukraina abistamise projektide koordinaator ja initsiaator koostöös Ukraina MTÜ Ukraine Initiative ja Eesti MTÜ Toeta Ukrainat 2022.

Venice, CA 1961
Jüri Koll is an award-winning filmmaker, an artist, curator, writer, educator and son of an Estonian artist and grandson of well-known Estonian industrialist Rudolf Koll. He graduated from Cal Arts with a BFA in filmmaking and art, and went on to teach in the LAUSD, the Academy of Art University, and at the J. Paul Getty Museum.
He has been serving on the Board of ERKÜ as Chair of the Culture and Heritage Committee for the past 4 years. As part of this, his Venice Institute of Contemporary Art has exhibited many Estonian filmmakers and artists throughout his career.
Jüri has attended every EANC event since his election in 2018. He is a Board Member, Chair of Culture & Heritage Committee for the past 4 years.
Columbia, CT 1969

Eluaeg eestlusega tegelenud, on Laine tuntud kui hoolas ja kohusetruu eesti kogukonna liige, kes peab oluliseks siinsete eestlaste traditsioonide ja tegevuste hoidmist, noorte kaasamist. Ta on lauluõpetaja Connecticuti Eesti Koolis aastast 1998. Laine juhendamisel osales CT Eesti Kooli noortekoor 2013. a. Lääneranniku Eesti Päevade ja ESTO Laulupeol San Franciscos ja ka 2017. a. XII Eesti Noorte Laulupeol “Mina jään” Tallinnas USA Idaranniku Lastekoori “Laulurõõm” koosseisus. Ta on The Nordic Press (Vaba Eesti Sõna) revisjonikomisjoni liige a. 2020, samuti on ta Eesti Skaudi ja Gaidi Sõprade Seltside Liidu USA-s revisjonikomisjoni liige aastast 2021. Laine on Korp! Indla vilistlane. Ta töötab akadeemilise nõustajana (Senior Advising & Compliance Specialist) University of Connecticut MBA programmis.
Laine kogemused pärinevad ka Eestist, kus ta elas Tallinnas 1992-1997. Seal töötas ta Eesti Kontserdis, Eesti Üldlaulupeo Direktsioonis ja Ameerika Ühendriikide Suursaatkonnas kultuuri- ja haridusassistendina. Ta omab magistrikraadi Higher Education & Student Affairs alal ning bakalaureuse kraade äriteaduses ja muusikas, University of Connecticut.
Oma kogemustega eestluses Connecticutis ja Eestis olen nüüd valmis panustama ERKÜle, kus loodan eriti kasuks olla kultuuri ja hariduse valdkondades. Lauluõpetajana Connecticuti Eesti Koolis olen 24 aasta jooksul juba mitmetele lastele tutvustanud ja õpetanud Eesti sügavat koorilaulu traditsiooni. Elasin ja töötasin Eestis esimestel aastatel pärast EV taasiseseisvumist (1991), kus aitasin tuua maailmatasemel muusikuid Eestisse esinema ning tuua Eesti ja välismaa firmasid toetama Eesti Laulu- ja Tantsupidusid sponsoritena. Töötades Ameerika Saatkonnas saatsin Eesti hariduse juhid, õpetajad ja teadlased USAsse valitsuse korraldatud programmides osalema, et oma teadmisi ja oskusi arendada. Need kogemused, koos mu professionaalsete kogemustega kõrghariduses, annavad mulle ainuomaseid ja väärtuslikke oskusi, et aidata ERKÜl täita oma 70 aasta pikkust missiooni.
Upper Deerfield Township, NJ

Häly Laasme was born in Pärnu, Estonia. Currently she lives in New Jersey and works for the State of Delaware. She serves on the Board of Directors of three major US energy associations (NEADA, NEUAC, and ESC). She mentors internationally in the USEA Southeast Asia Female Leaders in Energy Initiative for the Dept. of State/ENR, and referees for the peer-reviewed International Energy Journal. In 2021, she was among the Top 500 Global Sustainability Thought Leaders. She advocates for energy access being indisputably included into the human rights framework and increasing global collaboration in energy justice. She has a degree in economics from Columbia University, and she is a graduate student at Johns Hopkins University.
I find it important to support Estonian Americans in maintaining their cultural heritage in the United States and developing working relationships with other non-Estonian organizations. I find it extremely concerning that we have so many Estonians living, working and studying in the United States, but we know so little about them – their challenges and achievements, their dreams and fears, their hopes and sorrows. I would like to see a strategy that reverses that path of ignorance and allows every Estonian in America to feel valued and appreciated. I am hoping that this will also help the younger Estonian Americans to find their way to the community and their heritage. While living in New Jersey, I have volunteered my time to the Federation of Associations for Advancement of Estonian Youth, Inc (FAAEY) at Järvemetsa (Lakewood) for the Estonian Boy and Girl Scouts, and in 2020, I received Tammetäht II for my contribution.

Surgoinsville, TN 1956
Sündisin ja kasvasin Bronx, New Yorgis. Minu vanemad, Helmi ja Leo Meigo, olid põgenikud Eestist, kes tulid Ameerikasse pärast Saksamaal DP laagrites olemist.
New Yorgi Eesti Maja sai nagu teiseks koduks mulle, kui hakkasin seal New Yorgi Eesti Täienduskoolis käima. Kui sain küllalt vanaks, siis hakkasin gaidluses osalema hellakesena. Kuulusin Rütmikaringi tantsurühma. Hiljem tantsisin Saare Vikati rahvatantsurühmas mitu aastat. Eesti Noorte Klubi tegutses mitu aastat, olin paar aastat nende sekretär. Olin ka Esto Atlantis Noorte Segakoori liige. Ja hiljem New Yorgi Eesti Segakoori liige.
Suviti oli teine kodu Eesti Laste Suvekodu Long Islandil. Seal hakkasin väiksena käima, kuni olin ise mitu aastat kasvataja. Suviti osalesin ka gaidi/skaudi laagrites Jackson, New Jerseys (“Lakewoodi laagrites”, nüüd nimetatud “Järvemetsa”).
Läksin hiljem Baltimore, Marylandi elama. Kasvatasin seal neli last sama eesti meele ja keelega, kui ma ise olin kasvatatud. Nemad käisid samades laagrites, rahvatantsurühmades Baltimores ja New Yorgis. Ja olid kooride liikmed ka mõlemates linnades. Kui elasin Baltimores, olin Baltimore Eesti Naiskoori liige ja siis Baltimore-Washingtoni Segakoori liige ja koorivanem. Kui minu lapsed käisid Baltimore Eesti Koolis, olin ise seal õpetaja ja hiljem koolijuhataja mitu aastat. See eesti meel ja keel on teinud võimalikuks, et kolm minu last otsustasid minna Eestisse elama ja on seal olnud juba kümme ja kuus aastat.

Fort Lauderdale, FL 1991
Merle Liivand on neljakordne Guinnessi Rekordi omanik. Olen suur Eesti fänn ja esindan Eestit nii kultuuris kui spordis. Samuti olen ma Eesti keskkonna eest võitleja. Olen aidanud ameeriklastel õppida tundma eesti ärist ja olen tutvustanud eesti kultuuri. Olen aastaid jälginud Eesti suhet Ameerikaga ning näinud ja tutvustanud eestlastele, millega tegeleb Eesti Rahvuskomitee Ühendriikides (ERKÜ). Näen oma silmaga, et ERKÜ mängib tähtsat rolli eesti kultuuri säilimisel ja jagamisel Ameerikas ja ka selles, et ameeriklastel oleks rohkem arusaama Eestis toimuvast.
Suurimaks isiklikuks saavutuseks oma panuses ERKÜ tööle näen 2019. a. sanktsioonide toetamist ja sellega kaasnevast külastust Washington, DCs Capitol Hillile. Osalesin seal ERKÜ esindajana JBANCi korraldatud Baltic Advocacy Days üritusel. Nii mõnigi USA senaator sai sellest käigust ja kohtumistest aimu eestlaste tegevusest. Olen osalenud aastakoosolekutel, kohtumistel ja ERKÜ tegevustes.
Richmond, VA 1973

Maia Kersti Linask was born on May 26, 1973 in Connecticut and currently resides in Richmond, VA. She earned her B.A. in History and Literature from Harvard University in 1995, her M.A. in International Relations from Johns Hopkins University (SAIS) in 2005, and her Ph.D. in Economics from Johns Hopkins University in 2012. She is an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Richmond. She has previously been an active member of many Estonian organizations, including the Connecticut folkdance group Jaanik, the Washington folkdance group Pillerkaar, and the Connecticut Estonian Society. She has been a representative to the Estonian American National Council (EANC) since 2010, and has also served on the Estonian World Council.
I would like to continue to represent the needs and perspectives of younger generations in EANC, to connect Estonians who live in places without a large community of Estonian Americans, and to continue to support and strengthen the Estonian American National Council as an organization. I wish to continue to actively work toward EANC’s goals of supporting the activities and interaction of Estonian American organizations, introducing the country and culture of Estonia to a broader audience, and helping sustain Estonia’s well-being and security. I would like to carry on with the work of inviting all Estonian-Americans and Estophiles to participate in EANC and the Estonian community.
I have participated in all annual meetings and other work of the organization (2012-2021) with the exception of 2018, when the annual meeting took place 2 weeks after the birth of our daughter.
I have been an active EANC Board member since 2012, a member of the Strategy Committee, and Chair of the Strategy Committee from 2014-2018. I have also either directed or been an active participant in many other activities, including strategic planning, website redesign, planning our first virtual Estonian Independence Day celebration, establishing the EANC Visnapuu Award for Estonian Arts and Letters, and revising the EANC Bylaws. I´ve been an EANC delegate to the Estonian World Council.
Olen 2012. a. saadik olnud aktiivne ERKÜ juhatuse liige, 2013 a. saadik strateegiakomittee liige, 2014-2018. a. ERKÜ strateegiakomitee juhataja. Olen osalenud või juhatanud palju ERKÜ tegevusi, k.a strateegia kavandamine, veebilehe ümberkujundamine, virtuaalse Vabariigi Aastapäeva planeerimine, ERKÜ Visnapuu auhinna läbi viimine ja ERKÜ kodukorra revideerimine. Olen olnud ERKÜ esindaja Ülemaailmses Eesti Kesknõukogus (ÜEKNis).

Willington, CT 1977
I am a first-generation Estonian American who grew up always speaking Estonian at home. It was customary for us to take part in Estonian School, various Estonian camps and ESTO festivals.
Mulle oli tähtis oma poegadele edasi anda eesti keele oskust ja kindlasti võimaldada neil osaleda CT Eesti täienduskoolis. Vahva, et kooli kaudu said nad ka San Franciscos LEP-ESTOl esinetud tantsu ja lauluga ning osaletud Eesti Päevadel, meie rahva festivalil. Oleme saanud Eestit külastada, õnneks.
For the past 16 years, I have built a successful event & wedding planning business here in Connecticut. For me, organization, communication and remaining on budget are key. Through my business I’ve had the pleasure of watching countless families share the importance of traditions and heritage. My business survived the pandemic, thanks to my knowledge of social media, marketing and drive.
I have always wanted to take on a bigger role in the Estonian community. I believe in the programs and the social gatherings, and I believe there is a way to continue to grow. My own children have benefited due to ERKÜ´s involvement in the Estonian American community, and I think there are more generations to come that need to have an understanding of what it is to be an Estonian.

Cabot, VT 1959
My family were refugees from Estonia, displaced by World War II. They immigrated to New York City in 1950, and I was the first family member born in the USA. Our family was very active in the New York Esto community.
I assisted my father in documenting Estonian events via film, video, audio, and photographs. I was also an active member in my own right: as a student in NY Eesti Kool, as a scout at Lakewoodi skautlaager and as a camper at Kiusuküla laager; I participated at “Eesti Päevad” festivals in the US and Canada.
I am a dual-citizen, holding US and Eesti passports.
I recently retired from my job in Information Technologies and returned to pursue my music career.
Today, I also continue my weekly music radio show, since 2013, the year I moved from NYC to Vermont.
Having heard and learned about ERKÜ / EANC from current council member Ilmar Vanderer, I would like to volunteer in the Council’s work to give back to the Estonian community (much like I do for broadcast radio).
I was very active in Esto activities until my early 20’s, occasionally afterwards, and look forward to getting involved again.

Brown Mills, NJ 1986
Olen Tallinna neiu, kellel südames Eestimaa. Minu jaoks on algusest lõpuni kõige tähtsam olnud Eestimaa säilimine, oma muld, kultuur ja oma inimesed. Oma eesti-ameerika lastega räägin eesti keelt ja kindlustan ka neile eesti kultuuri teadmised ja kui tähtis on meil kultuuri hoida. Ma tähtsustan eestlasi ja meie kultuuri ning olen tohutult avatud inimene.
Olen Lakewood, New Jersey Eesti Majas käinud aastaid. Abikaasa tõttu, kes lennuväes teenis, olime sunnitud New Jersey’st ära kolima, kuid siiski püüdsime enda lähedal eestlasi leida. Ohio osariigis elades leidsin kohe kaks sõbrannat ja terve Clevelandi kogukonna. Soovin kandideerida, et inimesi kokku tuua oma juurtega.
Orinda, CA 1951
Mati was born and raised in LA, and participates in numerous Estonian organizations. He graduated USC with an MBA and moved to pursue his career on Madison Avenue. Fortune brought him to San Francisco to help launch Apple into a broadcast medium. This led to his extensive career in consumer products, financial services and data monetization. As an entrepreneur, Mati has donated his energies to Estonian start-ups in Silicon Valley and to Estonian causes throughout the world. He married Silvi Laan 35 years ago, with son Mikk and daughter Kai now pursuing their own careers. He is currently the Managing Director of Market Direct.

I believe it is important for individuals from the West Coast to stand-up and take active roles in Eesti Rahvuskomitee Ühendriikides (ERKÜ) / Estonian American National Council (EANC) to promote the freedom and cultural causes for all Estonian Americans. Throughout my life, I have supported, participated and/or have led numerous Estonian organizations in Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco. These efforts included participation in LA & NY Folk Dance Groups and the NY Men’s Choir and Theater Group. In San Fran-cisco, this included re-establishing SF Eesti Kool as its principal; SF Eesti Selts as President (twice), Lääneranniku Eesti Päevad (West Coast Estonian Days festival) President, LEP Board Member (twice) and Eesti Organisatsioonide Liit Läänerannikul, EOLL (West Coast Estonian League) President. I have taken an active role in advising 20+ Estonian start-ups and donating time in operational roles for many. I feel accomplishment in helping bring together the American and Estonian born into one cohesive community in SF when transition was needed. I feel pride helping Korp! Vironia USA grow into a major contributing organization.
I have served four terms as an EANC member since 2006, having attended the majority of annual meetings and events.
As an elected EANC council member, I served on the Strategy Committee; assisted in the fundraising efforts for the Singing Revolution movie; worked on the 2016 Gala Awards Committee to bring the event to the West Coast and to honor West Coast nominees Arne Kalm and Steve Jürvetson.
Mc Henry, IL 1970
Sündinud Ida-Virumaal Jõhvi linnas. Lapsepõlv, kooli- ja õpinguaastad möödusid samuti Jõhvis. Eestis töötasin turismivaldkonnas ühtekokku 17 aastat, reisibüroo Wris Jõhvi esinduse juhatajana ning hiljem Go Travel Tartu büroos. Mitmed aastad lõin kaasa Ida-Viru omavalitsuse turismiosakonna ja Jõhvi turismi-infopunkti projektides, arendades turismi Ida-Virumaal.

Olen olnud kauaaegne rahvatantsija tantsuansamblis Virulane. Esinenud kodus ja võõrsil, osalenud tantsupeol ja Hispaanias suurimal rahvusvahelisel üritusel “Folk Dance and Music Festival European”. Tantsupisik on tänaseni säilinud!
Aastal 2009 alustasin igas mõttes oma elu uuelt lehelt, kolides Ühendriikidesse, Chicagosse. Asutasin väike-ettevõtte Sirye’s Cleaning Services, korraldan ja pakun kodukoristus- ja organiseerimisteenuseid.
Chicagosse kolimise algusest peale olen ühenduses olnud kohaliku Eesti kogukonnaga, andnud oma panuse hoides eesti kultuuri, traditsioone ja emakeelt. Õpetasin kaks aastat Chicago Eesti Koolis lastele meisterdamist. Olen Chicago Eesti Maja (CEM) liige ning kuulusin CEM nõukogusse mitu aastat. Sel ajal oli suurim ettevõtmine Jõululaada korraldamine, mis oli väga edukas mitmed aastad, ning rahvatantsupäev, mida tuletatakse ikka ja jälle meelde. Samuti olen üks rahvatantsurühma Põhjanael algatajatest/asutajatest, õpetan ja tantsin selles grupis. Hiljuti mais 2022 esinesime Skokie erinevate rahvuste festivalil. Tänu tantsukogemusele ka õpetan tantsugrupis. Rahvatants on üks osa kultuurist nagu eesti keel, mida on oluline osata ja hoida!
Viis aastat tagasi olin Eesti Kultuuriseltsi Chicagos üks asutajaliige ning kuulun seltsi nõukogusse. Meie seltsi peamine eesmärk on tutvustada ja hoida eesti kultuuri, traditsioone ja emakeelt siin kohalikus Eesti kogukonnas ja ka teistele huvilistele. Korraldada avalikke eestikeelseid kultuuriüritusi. Luua tugevaid koostöösuhteid kodu-Eesti haridus- ning kultuuriorganisatsioonidega ja Eesti kogukondadega mujal maailmas. Seni suurimaks ettevõtmiseks on olnud 2019. a Vabamu muuseumi rändnäitus, mis toimus Chicago kõige käidavamas kohas (80 tuhat inimest päeva jooksul) Daley Center Plazal.
EKSC algatusel on praegu käimas rahvarõivaste tegemise kaheaastane kursus, kus on osavõtjaid üle Ameerika ning mille käigus tehakse valmis rahvariiete komplekte Eesti parimate käsitöömeistrite juhendamise ja õpetuse järgi. Kursus on unikaalne, sest Zoomi teel käsitöö õpetamine ja õppimine on esmakordne kõigile. Kursuse lõpus saavad tudengid kutsetunnistuse ning võivad julgelt omandatud teadmisi jagada teistele soovijatele. Osalen ka ise sellel kursusel.
Olen panustanud oma aega ja energiat hoidmaks eestlust Ameerikas siia kolimise algusest peale, sest teisiti ju ei saakski! Osalesin vabatahtlikuna Chicago Eesti Majas korrastustöödel, käisin abiks köögis pühapäeviti lõunasööki valmistamas, meisterdasin lastega Eesti Koolis, organiseerisin ja lõin kaasa ürituste korraldamisel. Eestlaseks olemine on minu jaoks olulisemaks muutunud eemal olles isegi rohkem. Seetõttu sai loodud Eesti Kultuuriselts Chicagos, et suuremat tähelepanu suunata keele, kultuuri ja pärandi hoidmisele, kokku tuua siinset kogukonda ning tugevamat sidet luua kodu Eesti haridus- ja kultuuriorganisatsioonidega. Samuti pean oluliseks luua tihedamat koostööd ja läbikäimist teiste Ameerikas ja Kanadas eksisteerivate Eesti Majade ja Seltsidega.
Bethany, CT 1946

Jaak Rakfeldt sündis Stockholmis 25.VIII.46. Jõudis koos perekonnaga Kanadasse 1949. a. Edasi Ühendriikidesse 1950. a. Hariduse sai ta SUNY Gene-seo’s (B.A. 1968), Syracuse’i Ülikoolis (M.S.W. 1972, M.Phil. 1982, Ph.D. 1983, sotsiaalteaduste aladel), ja Yale’i Ülikoolis (Postdocto-ral Fellow, School of Medi-cine, Department of Psychi-atry 1986-1988). Käesoleval ajal Professor, Southern Connecticut State University ja Assistant Clinical Profes-sor, Yale University, School of Medicine. Olen avaldanud üle 50 teadusliku artikli (ka eestikeelseid). Loenguid pidanud Tartu Ülikoolis, Tallinna Pedagoogikaüli-koolis, kultuuripäevadel, Tartu Instituudis, Metsaüli-koolis, KLENKi (IEP) päevadel, New Yorgis Kultuuri-päevadel ja Tartu Ülikooli aastapäeva aktusel. Kõnele-nud Eesti Vabariigi aastapäeva aktustel. Abikaasa Kristi (neiuna Ranna). Kuulub Korp! Fraternitas Esticasse.
Soovin taas kandideerida ERKÜ Esinduskokku selle- pärast, et tahan esindada ERKÜ’s oma Uus-Inglismaa piirkonna rahvast, eriti ak-tiivset Connecticuti eestlas-konda. Tahan teha koostööd väliseestluse säilitamise heaks. Tahan kaasa lüüa ja aidata eestlusega seonduvates tähtsates küsimustes ning eestlust puudutavate probleemide lahendamisel. Leian, et on oluline luua uusi ja tugevdada olemasolevaid organisatsioonide ja eesti kogukondade vahelisi sidemeid ja jätkata koostööd meie rahvusidentiteedi säilitamiseks ja Eesti huvide esindamiseks.
Kokku olen olnud ERKÜ XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX, XX ning XXI Esinduskogu-des. Olen osalenud kahe-kümne ühel ERKÜ aasta-koosolekul.
Olin ERKÜ Uus-Inglismaa piirkonna direktor. Kirjuta-sin lugeja kirju ajalehtedele, võtsin ühendust USA Cong-ressi liikmetega, kirjutasin kirju Ameerika presidentidele. Olin E.L.L.A. (Esto-nian Latvian Lithuanian Alliance) juhatuse liige ja ka BALTNETi juhatuse liige. Olnud Rootsi ja Saksamaa delegaat Ülemaailmses Eesti Kesknõukogus (ÜEKN’is). VI Ülemaailmse Eesti Rah-vuskongressi korraldava toimkonna liige (laekur).
Olen olnud üheksateist (19) aastat juhatuse ja kolm (3) aastat Connecticuti Eesti Seltsi esimees.

Kensington, MD 1948
Sündisin Geislingenis, Saksamaal. Lapsepõlve veetsin Wilmingtonis, Delaware’is. Elan Kensingtonis, MD, Washington, DC lähedal. Töötasin USA riigikontrolli ametis (Government Accountability Office) 33 aastat, kus olin viimati vastutav selle sisekontrolli eest. Haridus: B.A., University of Pennsylvania, magistrikraadid Columbia ja Marylandi ülikoolidest. Olen kaua osalenud eestlaste tegevuses.
Born in Geislingen, Germany. Grew up in Wilmington, Delaware. Lives in Kensington, MD, near Washington, DC. Worked for 33 years at the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), in a variety of positions managing and auditing internal operations. Education: B.A., University of Pennsylvania; M.S. degrees from Columbia University and the University of Maryland. Have participated in Estonian activities for many years.
Kandideerin, et jätkata tööd ja tegevust ERKÜ sihtide täitmiseks. Olen oma vaba aja pühendanud eestlusele, alates Washingtoni Eesti Seltsi juhatuse tegevusest 1980ndatel aastatel tänapäevani. Olen ERKÜ esimehena loonud tugevaid sidemeid mitme organisatsiooniga, mida tuleb hoida. Mitu aastat esindasin ameerika eestlasi kohtumistel Washingtonis, et seal tugevdada meie häält. Viisin ellu ERKÜ tutvustamise, informatsiooni ja toetuste jagamise programme. Esindan ERKÜ’t Ülemaailmses Eesti Kesknõukogus (ÜEKN). Olen tugevdanud sidemeid Eestiga, esindades Ameerika eestlasi Eesti valitsuse ülemaailmses eestluse koostöökomisjonis.
I wish to continue working to achieve EANC’s goals. My free time has gone to Estonian activities from the 1980s when I was on the board of the Washington Estonian Society. As EANC president I established strong contacts with many organizations which should be maintained. I represented Estonian Americans in meetings in Washington for many years to further our interests. I instituted programs to introduce EANC, to disseminate information, and to provide support. I represent EANC at the Estonian World Council. I have worked to strengthen ties with Estonia as a member of the government’s Global Estonian commission.
Olen 32 aastat olnud ERKÜ esinduskogu liige (alates 1990) ja osa võtnud igast aastakoosolekust ja paljudest juhatuse koosolekutest ning aktiivselt osalenud tegevuses.
I have been a member of EANC for 32 years, since 1990, attended all annual meetings and many board meetings, and actively participated in its activities.
ERKÜ-s; in EANC:
- 1990 – 1994 – esinduskogu liige; Council member
- 1994 – 2006 – abiesimees ja laekur; Vice President and Treasurer
- 2006 – 2022 – esimees; President
- Esindasin; represented EANC:
- 2006 – 2022 – Ühendatud Balti Ameerika Komitee. Esimees iga kolmas aasta.
- Joint Baltic American National Committee; President every three years.
- 2006 – 2017 – Central and East European Coalition
- 2003 – 2022 – Ülemaailmne Eesti Kesknõukogu. Estonian World Council;
- 2008 – 2022 – juhatuses; Board Member;
- 2016 – 2018, 2019-2020 – esimees, President;
- 2020 – 2022 – abiesimees, Vice President.
- 2019 – 2022 – EV Üleilmse eestluse koostöökomisjon; Global Estonian Commission (est. by Estonian govt.)
- 2018 – 2022 – MTÜ Globaalsed Eestlased; NGO Global Estonians.

Albuquerque, NM 1973
I would love to be able to give back to the Estonian-American community that instilled so much in me as a child and had a huge influence in shaping me into the adult that I am now (Eesti Kool, Rahvatants, Long Island Laste Suvekodu, etc.). As I see my parents’ generation dwindling in numbers and their ability to carry the tasks of keeping Estonian organizations like this running at an optimal level, I’d like to get involved, and help ensure the vitality and success of EANC’s mission.
Founder & CEO of Kivi Financial Group, an independent financial planning and investment management firm, since 2002. Series 24 General Securities Principal, Series 7 Securities License, Investment Advisory Representative License, Life & Health License. Certified Retirement Counselor (CRC). MBA, University of New Mexico, 1997
I have attended the EANC Annual Meetings of 2018, 2019, 2020. Unfortunately I missed 2021 due to my father’s passing. I have served as the Investment Committee Chairperson since 2018.
San Francisco, CA 1956
Born in occupied Estonia. I have a MS degree in Chemical Engineering from TalTech (Tallinn Technical University) and completed my graduate studies (Ph.D) at Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry in Munich, Germany. After graduation I completed a post-doctoral fellowship and then worked as a staff scientist at UCSF, School of Medicine. Since having transferred to Biotech, I have worked at several prominent multinational companies and startups in various technical and business management positions. I founded my own consulting company in 2010, and am a senior consulting Partner at Bridge4Bio and am a board member of Silicon Vikings.

The mission and goals of EANC ring true to my heart. I appreciate what EANC has done during its 70 years of existence. I have enjoyed the activities during my first term and would like to continue to be of service. I have volunteered at various events organized by the San Francisco Eesti Selts, attended the AABS Conference 2018 in Stanford, and was part of the team that brought the critically acclaimed exhibit “Estonia through 100 Pairs of Eyes” to the San Francisco World Affairs Center.
l am a member of the EANC Fund Raising and Strategy committees, and have frequently participated in the annual Baltic Advocacy Days coordinated by JBANC. I have helped to organize two meetings with Nancy Pelosi’s office (one live, one virtual) and visited with her and other Congressional offices in 2019-2021 during the JBANC Baltic Advocacy Days. More generally, my advocacy work has included in-person visits on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC in 2019 and virtual meetings in 2020, 2021 and 2022.
As a council member I have also taken on roles to help connect the Estonian American community with Estonia and Estonian culture; I have been in touch with the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir (“Kaljuste Kammerkoor”) and hope to facilitate their performances in San Francisco and possibly also at surrounding events. As an elected EANC delegate since 2018, I have attended all in-person meetings in 2019 and was present virtually in 2020 and 2021.
During my first term on EANC I have served on the Fund Raising and Strategy committees, and participate in Estonian American National Council events and committee activities regularly. I am among the Council members who organized EANC’s first fundraising auction, ESTO|Raiser, in Autumn 2021.

West Long Branch, NJ 1973
My name is Andres Simonson and I am an environmental consultant, specializing in investigating and remediating contaminated sites. I have a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and a Masters of City and Regional Planning, concentrating in Environmental and Physical Planning. I live in West Long Branch, NJ with my wife, three children, and our Havenese, Cosmo. In my free time I enjoy outdoor activities, writing, and tinkering around the house.
As an EANC incumbent, I hope to continue advocating for Estonian causes within the United States. I have particular interest in modernizing the EANC organization, to make it more relevant to the next generations of Estonian-Americans. Concurrently though, I hope to participate with the history of the EANC project.
I have served on the EANC Board of Directors in the past. I periodically write for Estonian World, an online English language webzine focusing on global Estonian issues. I am a Board member of the Lakewood Estonian Lutheran Church. I am a member of the Lakewood Estonian Association, and a frequent speaker at events. My children are Järvemetsa campers and enthusiasts. And, in keeping the culture alive, I can bake a fantastic kringel – one taste, and you’d think I was an Estonian grandmother.
I have attended all in-person and virtual annual meetings throughout my eight-year tenure.
I served on the EANC Board between 2014 and 2018. I am currently a member of the very active Strategy Committee. I look forward to working with the history of the EANC project in the near future.
Narbeth, PA 1974

Alvar Soosaar volunteers in numerous organizations, including active roles in the Estonian Students Fund (aka Eesti Üliõpilaste Toetusfond USAs), 2012-present, as a board member, investment committee member and scholarship reader; the Racquet Club of Philadelphia, Executive Committee, 2014-present; as an elected member of Eesti Rahvuskomitee Ühendriikides ERKÜ (EANC, former board member), 2014-present. He is currently also a US delegate to Rotalia Fond Eestis, 2015-present, and a delegate to ÜEKN (the Estonian World Council) and Acting Treasurer, 2018-present. Previously, Alvar has been a teacher at the NY Estonian School, and a board member of the N.Y. Estonian House (NY Estonian Educational Association).
Work experience includes his current position as Director of US Investment and Trade at the Estonian Embassy, 2020-present; and Former portfolio manager, RAIT Financial Trust
Former advisor to multiple Estonian companies and investment funds.
BA, University of Virginia
MBA, University of Oxford (UK).
I would be honored to continue my service with ERKÜ, where I have previously served on the Board, and currently on the Investment Committee, the Strategy Committee, the Elections (Recruitment) Committee, the Mentorship group, and as delegate and acting treasurer to ÜEKN (aka Estonian World Council). ERKÜ has a crucial role as the representative voice of Estonian-Americans in many ways:
to the federal and state governments (particularly via JBANC),
to other ethnic organizations in the US (eg. other Baltic-American groups), – to the Estonian government,
to other countries’ Estonian communities either directly or via ÜEKN, et al. I also see we can do more on the business side of Estonian-American relations by building out mentorship of young Estonian-Americans, strengthening networking and investment opportunities for Estonian companies (which in turn bring new Estonians into our community), and working with Baltic and Nordic business organizations to further commercial ties between Northern Europe and North America.
I have attended every annual meeting except one in my time on the Council, and all but two of the monthly meetings when I was serving on the Board. I continue to serve on the Investment Committee (quarterly meetings plus periodic meetings with the external investment manager) and as delegate to ÜEKN (Estonian World Council), where I am acting treasurer. For ÜEKN, the monthly meetings occur during the workday, so I have been able to attend a bit more than half of them.

Barrington, RI 1951
Eric Suuberg sündis 23. novembril 1951 New Yorgis, nn. “vana-eestlaste” pere-konnas (kes olid juba ümber asunud New Yorki enne Teist maailmasõda). Kõrg-hariduse sai ta Massa-chusettsi Tehnoloogiainsti-tuudis (MIT) 1976. a. ma-gistrikraadi majanduses ja 1978. a. keemiainseneri doktorikraadi. Suuberg on kütuse keemia ja keskkonna-kaitse eriteadlane, ja on töötanud külalisprofessorina Tallinna Tehnikaülikoolis (TTÜs). Arendab aktiivselt kultuurisidemeid Eestiga, on tihedates sidemetes TTÜ keemiateadlastega ning on varematel aastatel korraldanud Eesti Rahvuskomitee Ühendriikide stipendiumide jagamist Eestis. TTÜ audoktor 2007. aastast. Viimased neli aastat on töötanud Vaba Eesti Sõna väljaandva Nor-dic Press, Inc. presidendina.
Olen eluaeg näinud eest-lust kohustusena, mis päri-neb vanematelt ja vanavanematelt. Nende tegevuste ja saavutuste üle olen uhke, aga nemad on ka tagapõhjaks sellele, miks minul on huvi edasi kanda eestlust selles samas vaimus. Tänu sellele taustale on mul teada, missugused olid siin USAs elavate eestlaste suhted kodu-Eestiga rahu ajal nagu nüüdki. On selge, et on ülimalt kasulik, kui Eesti on siin maal tuntud ja hästi esindatud, mitte ainult meie ametlike diplomaatide poolt, aga ka igapäevases elus. Et oleksid siin olemas rahvas ja organisatsioonid, mis võta-vad lahkelt vastu need, kes Eestist siia tulevad kas pikemaks või lühemaks ajaks, ja ka kes on kursis sellega, mis toimub Eestis, et seletada seda meie USA ringkonnale. Samas tunnen kohustust aidata kaasa meie eesti-ameerika ajalehe Vaba Eesti Sõna ilmumisele, mis on ja jääb meie eesti-ameerika kogukonna jaoks oluliseks teabeallikaks ja meie tegevuse põhikroonikaks USA-s.
Olen ERKÜ töös osalenud katkestamatult üle 24 aasta.
Varem olen olnud ERKÜ juhatuse liige, 2014-2018 asepresident. Nagu eespool märgitud, olen nüüd vii-mased neli aastat olnud Vaba Eesti Sõna väljaandja (Nor-dic Press, Inc.) president. Viimases rollis oleme teinud suuri muudatusi avaldamis-vormingus (võttes hiljuti kasutusele moodsa veebilehe), taotlenud edukalt Eesti valitsuselt toetusi ja nüüd uurime üleminekut mittetulunduslikule staatusele.

San Carlos, CA 1959
I’m a third-generation Estonian-American. My grandpa-rents, Alice and Peeter Trei, emigrated to New York City in the 1920s. In 1990, I moved to Estonia to teach journalism at Tartu University and to work for The Estonian Independent. I planned to stay six months but I ended up living in Estonia for six years. I taught at Tartu, compiled Estonia’s first handbook on investigative reporting, and reported on the re-emergence of the Baltic States for U.S. newspapers. After marrying a saarlane, we moved to California in 1996. I have worked at Stanford University for 25 years as a writer and communications manager.
I want to join the EANC because I have been involved with the Bay Area Estonian community for many years and now want to contribute at a national level. In 2017, I helped form the Estonian Community Choir of San Francisco with the goal of participating in the 2019 Laulupidu. We succeeded in that endeavor and our choir continues to practice and perform, with plans to audition for the 2025 Laulupidu. For several years, I have been a member of the board of the Estonian Society of San Francisco, which organizes and runs a range of community activities. In April 2022, I participated in Baltic Advocacy Days for the first time and enjoyed the experience. If elected to the EANC, I want to apply my skills as an experienced strategic communicator to strengthen Estonian and Baltic security and freedom.
Loxahatchee, FL 1973
I was born in Viljandimaa, where I spent my childhood and early youth before moving to Tallinn to study and work. I have studied Law, Economics and recently received a degree in Ministry at PBA University. I worked for many years as a flight attendant for Estonian Air, thanks to which I met my husband on a flight – we’ve been traveling together through life for 19 years. In 2006, we were invited to do business in Florida, where we have lived since. I am a busy partner and parent with four children and two companies. I enjoy reading, photography, traveling, and good company. Estonia and Estonian activities are very dear to my heart.

I have been the Secretary and board member for the Estonian National Association of Florida for many years. I organize events, keeping the connection between local Estonians and taking care of the administrative part of our activities. Elected to the Estonian American National Council in 2018, I have also served as an EANC board member for the last four years. It is essential to carry on and keep Estonian traditions alive – we must not forget where we come from. Being a representative and active with these two organizations has helped me bring EANC closer to Florida and vice versa. These roles have also allowed me to be part of the many necessary Estonian organizations and events. I am very thankful to all of the Estonians in America who voted for me in 2014. The experience with EANC has been invaluable. Any and all areas of Estonian culture, business, and education are important for Estonian American individuals and the community as a whole.
Therefore, if I am re-elected, I will commit my time and knowledge to help develop projects in these areas.
As a member of the XXII Council, I attended all four annual meetings during my term, and have served on the EANC Executive Board (2018 – 2022), participating actively and regularly in board meetings and on numerous committees. I was a guest speaker at the EANC´s 2017 Annual Meeting in St. Petersburg, Florida.
In addition to monthly board meetings, I enjoyed being part of the Outreach working group (2018 to 2020). I was honored to be part of the EANC Inaugural Committee of the Henrik Visnapuu Awards for Arts and Letters (2022).
Montclair, NJ 1968
Advocate and cheerleader of Estonia and all things Estonian. Member and supporter of Estonian community organizations, founder of US-Baltic business consultancy featured in FORBES. Outstanding graduate of NYEHS Eesti Kool, B.A., political science, film, and journalism, Duke University, International Trade & Finance, NYU School Of Professional Studies. Award-winning communications strategist for major museums, leading libraries, prolific political campaigns, and difference-making documentary films.
Aktiivselt toetanud USA eestlaste kogukonna tegevust, järjekindlalt töötanud, et tugevdada Eesti-Ameerika sidemeid. ESTO ’92 juhatuse liikmena võtsin vastu esimesed esinejad taasiseseisvunud Eestist New Yorgi linna lavadele. Omaloodud firmaga võtsin vastu esimesed ärijuhid taasiseseisvunud Eestist, kes külastasid USAd.

Olen üritan teha kõike, mida saan, et jätkata Ameerika eestlaste kultuuripärandit, suurendada meie kogukondade rahvuslikku tegevust ja aidata kindlustada Eesti edaspidist vabadust. Olen pühendanud enamiku oma vaba aega ja karjääri, et aktiivselt osaleda Eesti-Ameerika kogukonna tegevuses, järjekindlalt toetada Eesti Vabariiki ja pidevalt suurendada Eesti mainet ja nähtavust Ameerikas. 2015. a. aitasin Vermontis Ameerika koorirühmal korraldada ja reklaamida edukat eesti koorimuusika kontserti, kus osales üle 450 ameeriklase, sealhulgas Eesti suursaadik USAs. Hetkel olen juhatuse liige Lakewoodi Eesti Ühingus ja Korp! Frat. Estica USA Koondises. Varemalt olen olnud NYEHS, Nordic Press, Inc. ja EELK Bergen County Koguduse juhatuse liige.
I attended EANC annual meetings approximately 6 times during the past 8 years, including the most recent virtual meetings in 2020, 2021, and 2022. Prior to that, I attended annual in-person meetings nearly every year. I also have participated in numerous EANC committee meetings, most recently in 2020 and 2021.
ERKÜ Esinduskogu liige alates 1994. a., juhatuse liige 2002. a. – 2014. a. Organized congressional visits and youth participation at JBANC conferences. Worked unpaid with filmmakers Jim and Maureen Tusty in promoting “The Singing Revolution” documentary. In 2021, served as EANC Fundraising Committee Chair and successfully executed EANC’s first virtual fundraising auction, “ESTO│Raiser,” raising $15,000.00, exceeding the $10,000.00 goal. In 2022, supported EANC’s Ukraine assistance efforts by participating in the Joint Baltic American National Committee’s (JBANC) call for US municipalities to suspend Russian Sister City ties, and successfully lobbied my community leaders in Montclair, NJ to terminate ties with Sister City Cherepovets, Russia on April 5, 2022.