Contact: Linda Rink, EANC Executive Director: 215-546-5863, [email protected]
“Estonians in America, 1945-1995: Exiles in a Land of Promise,” was published by the Estonian American National Council last November. The hardcover book, edited by Priit Vesilind, has over 560 pages, and provides details and photos on the history and activities of Estonian refugees and their descendants, who came to the U.S. after Estonia was occupied by the Soviet Union.
The book has received very positive comments from readers – here is a sampling:
“To everyone involved in this book: KUDOS TO YOU ALL!! I received my copy very quickly last week and it’s an absolutely beautiful book that I am so happy I ordered. My almost 96 year old mother, Juta Jarver, lives with us and is legally blind. It has become a nightly ritual for me to read sections of the book…It was a walk down memory lane… I just had to write to thank you for all the hard work on this book and I am hoping somebody will continue from 1995-2015? Thank you again for a wonderful treasure!” Tiina Jarver-Ers
“It’s a terrific book. I can hardly put it down.” Inge Hirschsohn Olson
“Suur töö tehtud, suur tähtsus ajalooliselt, ja suurepärane välimus… Kui see töö algas, mõtlesin ka meie pere loo saata – mina saabusin siia 1960. aastal okupeeritud Eestist üksinda Detroiti, vanemad saabusid siia 1949. aastal Augsburgist. Aga hakkasin mõtlema, et see pole just perekonnaraamat, on palju erinevaid teid, kuidas siia jõuti.” Anne-Reet Pauga
“I received mine two days ago, and it is fascinating and wonderful! Suur tänu!” Tõnu Kalam
“We received it and it is a beautiful book. Thank you for your efforts.” Mike Sienkiewicz
“Ilus, hea kvaliteediga raamat.” Gusten Lutter
“Estonians in America, 1945-1995: Exiles in a Land of Promise” would be an excellent present for friends and family! Also consider donating a copy to your local public library, as it is an important historical reference book.
Please note: Some people have asked why their relatives are not listed in the book. The answer is that it is not intended to be a listing of all Estonians who have lived in the U.S. It is rather a history of the activities of Estonian American communities and organizations. Also, as the title states, it only covers the years from 1945 to1995.
Copies are still available! The cost per book is $97.50 ($90.00 plus $7.50 regular shipping within the U.S.). You can also pay by credit card via PayPal at a cost of $100.50 (to cover PayPal fees) including shipping and handling: go to and click on the “DONATE” button. Expedited (3-day) shipping cost has increased to $106.00 by check; $110.00 by PayPal.
Please use the form below to reserve your copies.