Dear Friends of the Baltimore Estonian School: With the sale of the Baltimore Estonian House accelerating quickly, it has become necessary to take a hard look at what the school has in terms of historical & cultural resources, teaching materials and other assorted items. In this examination, we have discovered that there is an abundance of old and/or obsolete materials that need to be disposed of. Items that embody the heart & soul of Baltimore Eesti Kool will be catalogued, encapsulated in special bins and placed in storage.
At present, some of the items that we are sorting through may hold a special memory for you of the school. It could be something from when you attended school or perhaps when your children or grandchildren attended kool. We would rather see these items end up with you and not be lost forever.
If there is something from the school that you would like to have, please contact me ([email protected]) or Lea Kiik ([email protected]) by April 30, 2017. We will do our best to locate the requested items and put them aside for you. Items requested will need to be picked up from the maja at some time in the near future.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to email us.
Thank you,
John Jester,
Baltimore Eesti Kool
Peeter Saar,
Eesti Maja Esimees
Eesti Seltsi Esimees