President of the Riigikogu Eiki Nestor (SDE) has convened an additional sitting of the Riigikogu on Monday, November 26, the agenda of which includes the first reading of the draft on the UN Global Compact for Migration submitted by Social Democrats (SDE).
According to the SDE statement, the UN Global Compact for Migration is a non-legally binding cooperative framework, which has also been emphasised by the Chancellor of Justice of the Republic of Estonia.
The draft statement has been opposed by the parliamentary groups of Pro Patria and the Conservative People’s Party of Estonia (EKRE).
The Reform Party parliamentary group has decided to support the Social Democratic Party (SDE)-initiated statement — if a couple of amendments are made in the text.
The opposition Free Party will definitely vote against the draft statement submitted by the SDE, party chairman Kaul Nurm said.
“In a constantly changing world, these kinds of international base agreements are undoubtedly necessary, but the version currently heating up is not acceptable to Estonia,” Nurm was quoted by spokespeople as saying.
The Free Party added that the government must continue discussions on these topics with other EU member states until a text satisfying Estonia’s national interests is achieved.
“The document presented in its current form sadly does not follow them, encompassing in itself several wordings and principles justifying migration,” said the party chairman.
Despite the Riigikogu statement to be put to a vote, President Kersti Kaljulaid maintains that she will only travel to Marrakesh in December in support of the compact if and when the Estonian government reaches a consensus on the matter.