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The United States should continue to pursue efforts consistent with the comprehensive, multi-lateral Baltic Defense Assessment of the military requirements of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania issued in December 2020. Robust support to accomplish United States strategic objectives, including by providing assistance to the Baltic countries through security cooperation referred to...
The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) held its annual policy forum virtually from September 28th to 30th. Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, former President Toomas Hendrik Ilves, and Markus Villig, co-founder and CEO of Bolt, were among the experts consulted on this year’s focus of “Fit to Lead: Renewing the...
Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas was in Washington, DC on July 13th and 14th for meetings with Members of Congress to discuss the Baltic Security Initiative and other issues relating to U.S.-Estonia security cooperation. Karin Shuey, Estonian American National Council (EANC) Washington, DC Director, and her colleagues at the...
Three weeks have passed since President Biden’s trip to Europe and analysis among think tanks and pundits continues. The Estonian American National Council (EANC) has been sorting through it to glean information most relevant to Estonia’s security and U.S.-Estonia relations, particularly regarding the outcomes of the NATO summit and Biden’s...
JUNE 14, 2021STATEMENTS AND RELEASES President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. met today with Prime Minister Kaja Kallas of Estonia, President Egils Levits of Latvia, and President Gitanas Nauseda of Lithuania on the margins of the NATO Summit in Brussels. The President underscored strong U.S. support for the security of Estonia,...
Recent events posing threats to European and U.S. security, and the upcoming meeting on June 16th bet-ween Presidents Biden and Putin, are the impetus for the June 3rd letter from Estonian American National Council (EANC) President Marju Rink-Abel to President Biden. It supports two May letters from the Central...
May got off to a busy start for many Estonian officials who were called on to share their expertise in various aspects of European and transatlantic security. Several think tanks hosted events looking at challenges ranging from the adoption of artificial intelligence into NATO’s toolbox to regional concerns such...
The Joint Baltic American National Committee (JBANC), commemorated its 60th anniversary by organizing an online forum on April 28 to discuss “The U.S.-Baltic Relationship: Parliamentary Perspectives.” The discussion focused on transatlantic relationships, the upcoming NATO Summit, cooperation between the Baltic parliaments and the U.S. Congress, and JBANC's work. The event...
At the forum we present the plans and activities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Global Estonians and the results of the survey conducted in October. We discuss the most recent focus topics of the Foreign Ministry – cyber diplomacy and business diplomacy – that help boost Estonia’s image...
Belarus, its current political situation, and the United States’ response were among the topics discussed at the Central and East European Coalition’s (CEEC) panel discussion on February 24th, titled “Belarus's Transition from Dictatorship to Democracy”. The event was organized in coordination with the office of Representative Marcy Kaptur (D-OH), who...
Vaba Eesti Sõna (VES), a 'Free Estonian Word,' is an Estonian expatriate bi-weekly newspaper with a national readership, founded in 1949 and published in New York City by The Nordic Press Estonian-American Publishers, Inc.
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